Peony’s Tavern: 2.02 – Hand in Hand for Three Lifetimes Without Regret

Peony’s Tavern: 2.02 – Hand in Hand for Three Lifetimes Without Regret

It was mentioned in a past footnote, but here’s some information that becomes relevant again this chapter: Peony in Chinese is 芍藥 (sháo yào) while Shao Zi’s name, which means spoon, is spelled 勺子 (sháo zi). The two “shao” are different characters but share…

Memories of a Graceful Reflection: Intro & Synopsis

Memories of a Graceful Reflection: Intro & Synopsis

Most heartbreaking are the green waters underneath the bridge, therein I saw her graceful figure once reflected. Shen Garden, Lu You (1125-1210) Taking a quick break from Peony’s Tavern today to share a different kind of novel, Memories of a Graceful Reflection (猶記驚鴻照影 //…