I’m Doing a Thing!

So I’m starting a blog. Or perhaps this will just act as a running archive of sorts.
But to be honest, I mostly wanted a place where I could fawn about the novel and drama I’ve had my eyes on as of late – Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (alternatively: Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms; Eternal Love; or, To the Sky Kingdom). The novel came out a decade ago and the drama in 2017, so I’m just a tad late to the game, but better late than never?
In my own efforts to improve upon my Chinese reading comprehension, I’ve found that many translations for this book scattered across the web don’t provide enough cultural or literary context (the bread and butter of xianxia and wuxia) to allow for a more thorough understanding of the world building within. So I’m here to explain some of those things in a bit more depth and translate the things I feel haven’t been given due justice. Don’t get me wrong, other translaters have put so much time into their editions and many are likely far better writers than me. This is just an exercise on my own abilities and an attempt help further explain the meanings behind this work.
For what will from now on be referred to as Peach Blossoms on this blog, I’m going to work through some of the lesser-translated pieces, starting with Yehua’s Epilogue and Tuanzi’s Epilogues.
Stay tuned and hope to see you around,